日本財団 図書館


3. Patient Frequency From Nationwide Newborn Mass Screening for Congenital Metabolic Disorders


4. Approximate Incidence of Some Conditions Associated with Mental Retardation (19909, per 1,000,000 births)


Health examination for infants is carried out as a community-based service. Now, more than 95% of infants receive a health examination in local health centers or doctors' clinics at the ages of 1 month, 3 to 5 months, 9 to 10 months, 1 year 6 months, and 3 years. The team participating in the local health service consists of doctors, dentists, public health nurses, psychologists, and dieticians. Most of the infants with moderate to profound mental retardation are detected by 1 year, and those with mild mental retardation by 3 years of age. The overall prevalence of mental retardation is 0.7% in urban areas and up to 1.0% in rural areas.
Children with disabilities are referred to a center hospital, rehabilitation hospital, or child guidance institution for further evaluation and treatment. With the decreasing prevalence of children with cerebral palsy, local rehabilitation hospitals and their day-care branches have, in recent years, changed to play an important role in early intervention for infants with mental retardation. In addition, Japan has a unique medical service for children with severe motor and ntellectual disabilities(SMID). These children and similarly affected adults are registered at a local child guidance center, and about 16,000 beds for people with severe moter and intellectual disabilies, all over Japan, of which 8,080 are governmental, are prepared for their medical care and rehabilitation, as well as life-long nursing services.




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